NVIDIA视频编码器 ffmpeg -h encoder=h264_nvenc
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NVIDIA视频编码器 h264_nvenc 编码配置参数

Encoder h264_nvenc [NVIDIA NVENC H.264 encoder]:    General capabilities: delay hardware     Threading capabilities: none    Supported pixel formats: yuv420p nv12 p010le yuv444p p016le yuv444p16le bgr0 rgb0 cudah264_nvenc AVOptions:  -preset            
E..V..... Set the encoding preset (from 0 to 11) (default medium) default E..V..... slow E..V..... hq 2 passes medium E..V..... hq 1 pass fast E..V..... hp 1 pass hp E..V..... hq E..V..... bd E..V..... ll E..V..... low latency llhq E..V..... low latency hq llhp E..V..... low latency hp lossless E..V..... losslesshp E..V..... -profile
E..V..... Set the encoding profile (from 0 to 3) (default main) baseline E..V..... main E..V..... high E..V..... high444p E..V..... -level
E..V..... Set the encoding level restriction (from 0 to 51) (default auto) auto E..V..... 1 E..V..... 1.0 E..V..... 1b E..V..... 1.0b E..V..... 1.1 E..V..... 1.2 E..V..... 1.3 E..V..... 2 E..V..... 2.0 E..V..... 2.1 E..V..... 2.2 E..V..... 3 E..V..... 3.0 E..V..... 3.1 E..V..... 3.2 E..V..... 4 E..V..... 4.0 E..V..... 4.1 E..V..... 4.2 E..V..... 5 E..V..... 5.0 E..V..... 5.1 E..V..... -rc
E..V..... Override the preset rate-control (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1) constqp E..V..... Constant QP mode vbr E..V..... Variable bitrate mode cbr E..V..... Constant bitrate mode vbr_minqp E..V..... Variable bitrate mode with MinQP (deprecated) ll_2pass_quality E..V..... Multi-pass optimized for image quality (deprecated) ll_2pass_size E..V..... Multi-pass optimized for constant frame size (deprecated) vbr_2pass E..V..... Multi-pass variable bitrate mode (deprecated) cbr_ld_hq E..V..... Constant bitrate low delay high quality mode cbr_hq E..V..... Constant bitrate high quality mode vbr_hq E..V..... Variable bitrate high quality mode -rc-lookahead
E..V..... Number of frames to look ahead for rate-control (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0) -surfaces
E..V..... Number of concurrent surfaces (from 0 to 64) (default 0) -cbr
E..V..... Use cbr encoding mode (default false) -2pass
E..V..... Use 2pass encoding mode (default auto) -gpu
E..V..... Selects which NVENC capable GPU to use. First GPU is 0, second is 1, and so on. (from -2 to INT_MAX) (default any) any E..V..... Pick the first device available list E..V..... List the available devices -delay
E..V..... Delay frame output by the given amount of frames (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default INT_MAX) -no-scenecut
E..V..... When lookahead is enabled, set this to 1 to disable adaptive I-frame insertion at scene cuts (default false) -forced-idr
E..V..... If forcing keyframes, force them as IDR frames. (default false) -b_adapt
E..V..... When lookahead is enabled, set this to 0 to disable adaptive B-frame decision (default true) -spatial-aq
E..V..... set to 1 to enable Spatial AQ (default false) -temporal-aq
E..V..... set to 1 to enable Temporal AQ (default false) -zerolatency
E..V..... Set 1 to indicate zero latency operation (no reordering delay) (default false) -nonref_p
E..V..... Set this to 1 to enable automatic insertion of non-reference P-frames (default false) -strict_gop
E..V..... Set 1 to minimize GOP-to-GOP rate fluctuations (default false) -aq-strength
E..V..... When Spatial AQ is enabled, this field is used to specify AQ strength. AQ strength scale is from 1 (low) - 15 (aggressive) (from 1 to 15) (default 8) -cq
E..V..... Set target quality level (0 to 51, 0 means automatic) for constant quality mode in VBR rate control (from 0 to 51) (default 0) -aud
E..V..... Use access unit delimiters (default false) -bluray-compat
E..V..... Bluray compatibility workarounds (default false) -init_qpP
E..V..... Initial QP value for P frame (from -1 to 51) (default -1) -init_qpB
E..V..... Initial QP value for B frame (from -1 to 51) (default -1) -init_qpI
E..V..... Initial QP value for I frame (from -1 to 51) (default -1) -qp
E..V..... Constant quantization parameter rate control method (from -1 to 51) (default -1) -weighted_pred
E..V..... Set 1 to enable weighted prediction (from 0 to 1) (default 0) -coder
E..V..... Coder type (from -1 to 2) (default default) default E..V..... auto E..V..... cabac E..V..... cavlc E..V..... ac E..V..... vlc E..V..... -b_ref_mode
E..V..... Use B frames as references (from 0 to 2) (default disabled) disabled E..V..... B frames will not be used for reference each E..V..... Each B frame will be used for reference middle E..V..... Only (number of B frames)/2 will be used for reference -a53cc
E..V..... Use A53 Closed Captions (if available) (default true)


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